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Saturday, November 16, 2024

Altered Track

1st 2:  ridge west of the Organ Mountains
Dr. K, Willow and I altered our hike a bit due to the presence of the Basset Lady +1 and the hounds.  At first it looked as if they'd head east across the upper flatland road to where we had just parked at the trailhead; but they went down LDR instead.

Nevertheless we bushwhacked east from LDR-A in order not to get too close to them; no encounter occurred.  When we hit the right branch arroyo we hiked down to the junction with the left branch and then followed our regular route to conclusion.

Ancient mesquite

This & next:  Little-leaf Sumac

Willow doesn't want the hike to end

Our favorite yucca

Tortugas and the Organs


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photos of the pretty Little-leaf Sumac.

Pretty Bird

This & next 3:  blooming yuccas Willow and I took a hike together this morning; Dr. K stayed home to get ready for our trip to the high ...