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Sunday, November 3, 2024

Sunday Solo with Wils

Interesting clouds over the mountains
Dr. K did a rare double-dip shopping trip to Target and Albertsons this morning while Willow and I took a longer-than-usual hike.

She and I did some bushwhacking east out of the left branch arroyo.  We trekked over to 4210 hill, scaled it, did a giant loop and caught the left branch arroyo again further up the line.  From there we finished our regular route.

After the outing we drove over to our local Circle K and gassed up the CR-V.

View from LDR-A arroyo

Willow staring down the arroyo

Barrel cactus and Soaptree Yucca

The above barrel cactus

Organ Mountains

Tortugas and the Organs

Two small barrels

Willow the bushwhacking heeler

The Lone Soaptree

This & next:  Lone Soaptree and the long view

Tellbrook Arroyo

This & next:  Lone Soaptree and the mountains

Picacho and environs

Lone Soaptree (center) atop 4210 hill

Distant view of Tortugas and the Organs

Southwest of Tortugas Mountain

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the 2nd and 3rd images of the Lone Soaptree.

Our Little Mountain

Crazy clouds on Willow's morning constitutional Dr. K, Willow and I took a very pleasant hike to the top of the mountain behind our cabi...