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Saturday, November 23, 2024

Our Forest Hike Redux

Three-leaf Sumac
Dr. K, Willow and I did the same hike essentially as the one we did yesterday; only difference was I got a gob of mud on my right boot.

Most interesting sighting on the trek was the Northern Flicker-sized bird I photographed on the way in, the one I have as yet to ID.

The weather has been beautiful up here:  high 63F, bright blue sky, brilliant sunshine.

Can barely keep my eyes open


Looking toward Route 82

Tapering down to desert

Three-leaf Sumac

Across the snow patch

This & next 2:  American Robin

Dr. K descending carefully

Artsy junipers

The back .40


Front yard

Last 3:  local trees


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice images of the mystery bird.

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