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Sunday, November 24, 2024

Forest Hike, Cloudcroft Visit

Cottonwoods alongside Highway 82
We did the same forest hike behind the cabin that we've done the past three days, and the same one we'll do tomorrow.  Lots of birds out there this morning.

Willow discovered a severed bird leg with foot that was slightly gruesome.  Don't know yet which critter it belonged to.

After the trek we all drove up to the Family Dollar in Cloudcroft to buy some supplies:  six gallons of drinking water, one bottle of Brisk ice tea, one electric toothbrush, one container of Orajel for Dr. K's sore tooth, and one Chips Ahoy cookie for Dr. K's sore tooth.

Townsend's Solitaire


Willow on our road

View from our road

Townsend's Solitaire

This & next 2:  Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay

Cloud milky way

Looking down

This & next:  bird leg and foot

Davis Mountain Mock Vervain

Zenith Park, Cloudcroft

Burro Avenue, Cloudcroft


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That bird leg and foot is creepy!

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