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Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Post-Election Blues Hike

Clouds over the Organs
Needless to say, after last night's presidential election Dr. K and I were quite depressed; Willow not so much.

We did our regular hike on a fairly pleasant morning.  The sun shone all during our outing, and there was little breeze to speak of.

We got a glimpse of the Basset lady and a few of her hounds dropping over a ridge to the east, but we never saw them after that.  We did see Freddie the Black-tailed Jackrabbit just as we were about to climb the steep hill west of the right branch arroyo; he stopped to acknowledge our presence, but I couldn't get a good photo of him before he took off.

San Augustin Peak (7030 feet)

Willow, rest mode

There's a hiker and two Basset hounds in this photo

Taking it all in

Cloud over the Organs

Customs and Border Protection chopper

Prickly Pear and hedgehog

This & next:  Tortugas and the Organs

Clouds over the Organs

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I like those photos of the clouds over the Organs.

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