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Friday, November 8, 2024

Bright Sun, Cold Wind

1st 2:  Willow wants to bushwhack
Even though it was 40F when Dr. K, Willow and I started our hike this morning a cold, biting wind made conditions feel especially chilly.

Although we saw the Basset Lady and her hounds at the side of Tellbrook Road when we were driving to the trailhead we never spotted them out in the desert.

We did our trek at a quicker pace today because of the wind chill, but that didn't stop Willow from taking breaks in all the usual places despite the cold, damp desert dirt.

Where Willow wants to go

Break time despite the cold desert floor


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Willow is the star of today's blog. She says it should always be that way.

Our Little Mountain

Crazy clouds on Willow's morning constitutional Dr. K, Willow and I took a very pleasant hike to the top of the mountain behind our cabi...