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Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Surprisingly Cold Hike

Willow's look back
We were at or below freezing (32F) last night, and, boy, did it feel like that this morning.  Add a strong persistent wind and we had the ingredients for a cold hike.

We followed our regular route, taking shorter breaks along the way.  For some reason Willow always stops in shadows, so we had to encourage her to move out in a more timely fashion.

We saw the Basset Woman +1 (her daughter?) when we were driving up Tellbrook Road, but we didn't spot them out in the desert.  Just as well--even the scent of those hounds drives Willow to distraction.


This & next:  two views of the dancing yucca

Tortugas and the Organs

Last 2:  Little-leaf Sumac


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice images of the reddish Little-leaf Sumac leaves.

Our Little Mountain

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