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Friday, April 26, 2013

Headed For Higher Ground

Flowering Mesquite Tree on Tortugas's west side
Becca and I took a quick hike in the lower desert this morning before the three of us--Dr. K, the Beckster and I--headed for High Rolls in the Sacramento Mountains.  Unfortunately, we only get to spend the weekend here.  Once you get up here, though, you feel like never going back.  It's about fifteeen/twenty degrees cooler than in the low desert.  I learned something today:  the Mesquite flowers you see in image #1 are used by bees to make Mesquite honey (monofloral honey), which, apparently, has a distinct flavor.  I've never tasted any.  Going to have to hunt some up.
Hot enough to enjoy the shade

A look back at Tortugas (Tortoise) Mountain

Our pumphouse in High Rolls, 1500-gallon water storage tank at right

The greenish-yellow trees line a creek that runs below our property

Welcome to the pumphouse

A closer look inside

View of our place from the pumphouse

We're at about 7,000 ft. here.  9,000 ft.-mountains in background

Becca on our driveway

Lots of dead Pinyon Pines in the area

A look at the south side of the house

Becca at the perimeter of our land

After five weeks of not being here, this is what our rain gauge registers

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Even without any rain, the trees are still greening out.

Saturday with Wils

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