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Monday, April 29, 2013

Snake Day

Loggerhead Shrike
Becca and I were headed back from the midpoint of our hike when we ran across a small Gopher Snake on the trail.  While I was photographing it I heard somebody say, "What are you looking at?"  It was Jimmy.  We then started hiking back to the parking area together discussing how seeing that Gopher Snake pretty much assured us that Rattlers were out, too, when Jimmy said, "There's one."  Sure enough, lying lenthwise across the sandy trail was a small Diamondback Rattlesnake.  It was completely passive, though, and allowed me to take its picture.

Loggerhead Shrike on the move

Becca at a curve in the trail

One of her favorite shady spots

Ocotillo flower

Ocotillos flowers against the mountain backdrop

Gopher Snake

Notice the tapered, rattle-less tail

Slightly over two feet long

Tapered head

Small Diamondback Rattlesnake

Two feet of potential danger

Notice the black-and-white banded tail with rattle


Scott said...

Good story (about seeing the gopher snake, commenting on rattlesnakes about, and then seeing one)!

We had Loggerhead Shrikes in central Florida when I lived there, but we've only seen one shrike (a Northern Shrike) here in the northern Piedmont since I've been here. Did you know that shrikes are known as "butcher birds"? They impale "extra" prey on barbed wire fences (like meat hooks) for later consumption.

Dr. K said...

That's interesting about "butcher birds." This was an eventful hike, Packrat.

packrat said...

An eventful hike indeed, Dr. K.

Scott: I remember reading about the impalement behavior of shrikes. What an interesting adaptation!

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