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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Last Cold Front?

Waiting in a little shade
The cold front ushered in on yesterday's wind storm may well be the last of the spring season.  It lowered the temperature significantly.  I started out of the house sans jacket, but made an abrupt U-turn to get one.  Things warmed up nicely, though, once we got on the trail, and the desert was filled with signs of spring:  buzzing hummingbirds, the singing of Scott's Orioles (I don't think I've ever seen so many this time of year), and the wind whispering through the desert trees--as well as the countless flowers beginning to blossom out.
Gray Flycatcher

In the middle of nowhere

Dust in the air almost obscures the view of the Organ Mountains (right)

Packrat and the Beckster

Lots of hummingbirds were about this morning

Hummingbird derriere

Ocotillo prison


Yet another shade break

What an Ocotillo flower might look like on Mars

Enticement for birds and insects

Scott's Oriole on Ocotillo wand


Dr. K said...

Nice photo of Packrat and our Beckster.

packrat said...

Thanks Dr. K. You aren't biased, are you?


Saturday with Wils

Hill west of LDR-A Dr. K had to host an orientation session for new League of Women Voters members this morning so it was Willow and me on t...