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Friday, July 25, 2014

100 Fahrenheit Re-Entry

Sotols growing alongside the Grand View Trail
The high temperature in High Rolls is supposed to be 84 F.  Unfortunately, we were only able to spend the morning doing a hike on our old standby, the Grand View Trail, before heading back to the lower Chihuahuan Desert, where it's supposed to be 100 F.  Only a sixteen-degree difference, some might say, but, man, do those degrees make a difference.  Right now (2:50 pm) we have the evaporative cooler on full blast and the fans on in the living room and patio enclosure.  Yikes!
Critter seeking critters

Shindaggers growing out of rock

Becca and Dr. K on the Grand View Trail

Butterfly on an Allthorn blossom

Massive Allthorn Bush (left)


Dr. K said...

Always nice to see that great vista.

Scott said...

I've been really busy the last few days, Packrat, and I haven't had a chance to keep up with your recent high altitude peregrinations. I'll pour myself another cup of coffee and catch up. For you, you'd better make that iced coffee.

packrat said...

Thank you, Scott. I always look forward to your comments--almost as much as I look forward to your blog posts.


Faxon Yuccas Willow and I did a morning hike while Dr. K stayed at home getting ready for our trip to the high country, where we are now. Bu...