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Friday, July 11, 2014

Thank God for the Wind

If it weren't for the wind we'd have really suffered this morning.  It was hot and humid--very humid.  I think we have a decent shot at rain this evening.  Becca had three breaks for shade and a drink on our trek.  I'm glad she drinks freely on these summer hikes.  I always carry enough water for the both of us.  I'm amazed frequently by runners with dogs who have no water at all.  I suppose if you zip around the mountain on a half-hour run then rehydrate back at the car it isn't too dangerous.
Organ Mountains

Attached to Mother Earth

This Yucca died then did a split


Scott said...

I especially liked "Attached to Mother Earth." The ocotillos look almost unearthly in this image.

packrat said...

I thought the same thing, Scott. Generally Ocotillos aren't raised up to expose their root stems like that.

Dr. K said...

I like it when Becca wags her tail when you approach her.

Hike Sans Wind

The long view Today was a 180 from yesterday morning; there was no wind, which made a world of difference.  Although a bit chilly at the sta...