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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Muddy Hike

Starting out on the third section of the Rim Trail
Yesterday at around 1:00 pm clouds began building over the mountains.  It began raining shortly afterward.  It rained through the afternoon and into the early evening.  At 1:30 am we were awakened by a brief, heavy downpour.  Therefore we knew that our hike along the third section of the Rim Trail--five miles outside of Cloudcroft, New Mexico--was going to be a muddy one.  It was nearly impossible to avoid stepping in mud on the narrow trail.  And there were large puddles everywhere.  Nonetheless, it was a wonderful hike in near-perfect trekking weather:  60 F, gentle wind, intermittent sun and clouds. 
Still hazy from overnight rains

Not too steep a climb

Tularosa Basin obscured by haze

Type of Four O'Clock?

Mexican Silene

Through an Aspen grove

There were puddles on the trail everywhere

The Rim Trail is very narrow in places

6-mile post

Aspens against a blue sky with clouds

Mountain Aster

Elevations along the Rim Trail are above 9,000 feet

Heading back to the trailhead

It "feels" like more rain is in the offing

Elevation at the trailhead


Dr. K said...

All of these photos are beautiful. I really like the one of the light pouring down into the trees.

packrat said...

Thanks Dr. K, I like that one, too.

Scott said...

Kali would likely make me turn back on this hike the first time we encountered a puddle. She's no fan of hiking with wet boots or skirting puddles in the trails.

packrat said...

It was quite soupy, Scott, but once you've taken the plunge there's no turning back. I don't mind skirting puddles so much as I mind getting thick mud lodged in the lugs of my boots.

Scott said...

Many years ago, when we were in graduate school, Kali and I took a backpacking vacation in Zion National Park. We hiked up out of the Zion Canyon of the Virgin River and into the surrounding uplands. Midway to our intended camp, it began to rain and the trail turned to gumbo. Very quickly, our boots became twice (or thrice) as heavy with all the mud packed into the lugs. Needless to say, Kali has never forgotten this hike, even though it happened 35 years ago.

Thursday with Willow

This & next:  morning sky, opposite directions Dr. K is in Tucson to attend the book festival with her sisters so Willow and I were on o...