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Monday, July 28, 2014

The Desert Smells Like Perfume

Huge moth on a patio scrren door
Beginning about 10:20 last night we had quite a downpour; and then it rained during the overnight hours.  It was muggy and overcast when Becca and I set off for Tortugas Mountain this morning.  Thanks to a nice breeze out there it felt pretty cool.  One of the coolest things was the scent of perfume that filled the air--the result of so many Acacias blooming at the same time.  Their tiny yellow ball flowers are the most fragrant blossoms in this part of the Chihuahuan Desert.

Verdant Ocotillos

Becca spots a hiker heading our way

Fruit ("pears") of the Prickly Pear Cactus

Stand of very green Ocotillos, Organ Mountains in background
On the loop road

What passes for "green" in the Chihuahuan Desert

Pollen-laden bee working an Acacia flower

Acacia:  an ingredient of many perfumes

Tortugas (left) and the Organ Mountains

Small Barrel Cactus growing from remnants of an old one

Flower buds atop the small Barrel Cactus

"Furry" with green leaves

Dark skies to the northwest

Clearing in the southwest

One happy hiker


Dr. K said...

You outdid yourself today with these photos. I especially like the ones with the bright yellow acacia blossoms.

packrat said...

Thanks, Dr. K. You know how much your opinion means to me.

Scott said...

The air "looks" humid--like what my brother-in-law calls "Eastern Gray"--not the usual deep blue of the Chihuahuan Desert. Since you definitely need the rain, maybe it's a good (if uncomfortable) change.

packrat said...

As you know, Scott, we badly need the rain. I may complain about the humidity, but I'm not really complaining. It's going to take a lot of precipitation to put a dent in this prolonged drought of ours, and I do a rain dance nearly every day. Okay, I don't, but I still try to boogaloo as often as possible.


Scott said...

I try to boogaloo, too, but Kali's not much into shaking her booty any longer. We used to go out dancing nearly every weekend when we were in graduate school (the heyday of disco), but now we just dance at weddings--and hope that the DJ is good.


Faxon Yuccas Willow and I did a morning hike while Dr. K stayed at home getting ready for our trip to the high country, where we are now. Bu...