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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bear Country

Starting out on the Cathey Canyon Trail
Because we were going to hike a trail where we ran into a mama black bear and her three cubs last year at this time we decided we'd better bring some bear spray along.  Unfortunately, no bear sightings.  We did see a few deer and quite a few squirrels--several chasing each other around like crazed rodents--and we put some serious miles on our feet/paws during a three-hour trek.  The weather was absolutely perfect for a high-mountain hike.
Heading into the dense forest


Just in case

Looking for bear

No ursidae up here

One of many observatories in the Sacramento Mountains

Vista from the Cathey Canyon Trail

Dense stand of young Aspens

The trail goes through here


Who's watching who?

Cathey Vista

Hiding out

Spike Verbena (aka New Mexican Vervain)

Hiking along T-105

Dr. K and Becca

Everybody loves these flowers


Dr. K said...

The landscape of this trail kept changing, which made it very memorable. Great photos.

Scott said...

Nice images, Packrat. The flies on the Helianthus and the Verbena are really neat; I love their orange abdomens. The trail doesn't look like it gets a lot of use.

packrat said...

You're right about that section of the trail not getting much traffic, Scott. Not sure why, either, as it's one of the most gorgeous sections of the Rim Trail, and it's only a half-mile or so from Cathey Vista.

Hike Sans Wind

The long view Today was a 180 from yesterday morning; there was no wind, which made a world of difference.  Although a bit chilly at the sta...