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Monday, July 21, 2014

Steamy Monday

Up by the pumphouse
Dr. K, Becca and I hiked the Osha Trail this morning, taking a different route because of hikers ahead and behind us.  The offshoot trail we took was the one that heads over to the Pine Campground, where we turned around.  It was really humid this morning, and right now we're getting a lot of thunder from storms building over the mountains.  Cloudcroft and environs seem particularly crowded with people enjoying their summer vacations.
Looking toward Haynes Canyon

Where are my buddies?

Coming downstiars

An offshoot of the Osha Trail

Little pine with a flower at its  left foot

An iron-and-concrete bridge that serves no apparent purpose

Heading back toward the Osha

A section of the Osha trail we haven't hiked for a while

The Peace-and-Heart log bench

Among the tall pines

Flowers of the New Mexican Elderberry and an Aspen

Why is this small camouflage-colored plastic box strapped to a tree?

Because, as I've discovered through research, it's a geocaching box


Scott said...

I like the image of the locust and the aspen. At first, my guess about the camouflaged plastic box was that it was a trail camera for recording wildlife; I'm glad you set me straight.

Dr. K said...

The New Mexican locust tree is one of my favorites around here.

packrat said...

My apologies, Scott and Dr. K. That is not a New Mexican Locust tree. I don't know what possessed my fingers when typing the caption on that image. I meant to type New Mexican Elderberry (Sambucus).


Faxon Yuccas Willow and I did a morning hike while Dr. K stayed at home getting ready for our trip to the high country, where we are now. Bu...