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Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Threat of Rain

The chance for rain this morning was 40%, and when Becca and I got out to Tortugas Mountain it certainly looked as if the forecast would come true.  Fortunately, though, we were able to do a really long hike without feeling even one drop.  March is our driest month, so it's really unusual to have so much rain during this period.  As we headed back toward the trailhead we saw Jimmy waiting for us on the road up the mountain.  He was coming down from the top, and we hiked back together.  Becca is always delighted to see our buddy, Jimmy.

The Potrillo Mountains under cloud cover

Lousy long-range photo of two coyotes

The red dot marks the position of one

Two coyotes (center)

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The photos of the clouds and mountains are striking.

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