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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Don't Spring Too Soon

Deep arroyo on Tortugas's west side
We're supposed to have another brief cold snap beginning tomorrow, with a slight possibility of snow flurries, so when we saw Mormon Tea putting out flower buds and a Torrey Yucca sending up its flower stalk we worried a bit.  Well, I did; Becca never really gave it a thought.  We had to say so long to JC this morning; he and his wife are beginning their long journey back to Fairbanks, Alaska tomorrow.   Vaya con dios, amigo.
Striking down into the low desert

Single-track trail

Basketball player of Soaptree Yuccas

Beautiful morning

What's burning?

Tiny flower buds of Mormon Tea

Mormon Tea buds

Torrey Yucca putting up its flower stalk

Surprised to see this so early

Not an "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" pod


Scott said...

If JC were leaving from here in the northern Piedmont, he wouldn't be pining for Alaska. We got a snow/ice pellet storm yesterday afternoon at rush hour (you can imagine the traffic), and tomorrow we may get the largest snowfall event of the winter (so far, anyway). This truly seems like it will never end. Today, we're above freezing and it's "only" raining and foggy. (Sorry to bitch...)

I love the reference to the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" pod.

packrat said...


This truly is a remarkable winter for you folks back east. I hear that Boston will set an all-time record if the city gets just two more inches of snow. You people over there have ever right to bitch. I wonder how many are thinking of migrating to other parts of the country.

Dr. K said...

Although the heat can be bad in the summer, I feel lucky to be in the desert.

Nest Building

Spot the blooming Faxon Yucca Another morning hike sans wind, a phenomenon very much appreciated by Dr. K, Willow and me.  Best part of toda...