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Friday, June 19, 2015

Death in the Desert

Another well-camouflaged Horned Lizard
I have happened upon dead Kangaroo Rats in the desert before, but I had never come across a dead Jackrabbit lying on the trail.  A cursory inspection didn't reveal the cause of death; it may have come from a rattlesnake or a coyote.  Two dead animals in one morning made me feel rather sad.  Are their lives of less value than ours, I wondered.  Who grieves for dead animals unless they are pets?  Animals die in the desert everyday; we just don't discover their corpses very often.  
They blend in so well with their desert surroundings

Becca in the high foothills

Taking a shady break lower down in the desert

Dead Kangaroo Rat (you can see how they got their name)

Dead Black-tailed Jackrabbit (a true hare)


Waiting for me to catch up

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nature is beautiful and brutal.

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