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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Monsoon Flow

Already hot at the start of our hike
Traditionally weather forecasters refer to July 4th as the start of our monsoon season, but meteorologists in El Paso are already talking about the change of seasons--meaning the change in the jet stream from a dry westerly flow to  one coming out of the Gulf of Mexico and Baja California.  The result for us yesterday was nearly .50" of rain and a really muggy start for our morning hike.  I can't tell you how many gnats I collected during our trek from walking through one swarm after another.  The humidity and dewpoint are still high, holding out the promise of more storms this afternoon.
Rock or bunny?


You'd never know we got rain last night

Much-deserved break for a hot dog

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Despite the bugs, snakes, and heat, I love this time of year.

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