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Monday, June 8, 2015

Huuricane Humidity

Soaptree Yucca on our property
The humidity we're getting from Hurricane Blanca is making it feel pretty awful around here.  We have yet to reap any precipitation benefits from the extra moisture, but that may come later today.  Because Becca and I got an early start we didn't suffer much from the weather conditions,  On the return leg of our long trek we ran into our buddy Jimmy, hiked with him back to the Sunset Area parking lot, and had a good long chat. Becca lay in the shade of a large Creosote Bush while we humans palavered.
Same Soaptree Yucca, different perspective

On the trail again

Organ Mountains

Road west of the Tortoise

A much-needed respite

Break from the sun

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful soap tree yucca. It seems a bit early in the season for so many of them to be blooming.

Nest Building

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