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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Rainy Start

Getting sprinkled upon on the foothills trail
It was raining steadily when we got up this morning.  When there was a slight break I let Becca out into the backyard to do her business.  Later I decided we were going to do a hike west of Tortugas Mountain even if it meant getting wet.  As it turned out we did get wet, but not drenched.  There were other people on the mountain, including our buddy, Jimmy, who we only had time to greet "hello."  He was heading up the Tortoise's western face.  That's him in those last two images.
Scratch-and-sniff wet-dog image

Complete overcast

A tiny Desert Cottontail

The road to Tortugas Mountain's western flank (left)

A cloudy Chihuahuan Desert

Hurrying ahead

A very small Soaptree Yucca

Undulating desert floor

Heading back to the Tortoise

Buggy Whips leafing out

Red dot marks our friend Jimmy's progress up the mountain

Can you spot Jimmy in his white shirt?  (Click image to enlarge)

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I'll remember this morning's cool rain when the weather heats up later this week.

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