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Monday, June 29, 2015

Sunset Side Trek

That's not a snake behind Becca's butt, but rather a Yucca root
Not much to say this morning.  Becca and I did a moderate hike out of the Sunset Area; we cut it short because she seemed pretty hot not long after our start.  We're heading for 95 F today, and it felt like we were seven-eighths of the way there already.  We ran into a few other people during our excursion:  an elderly couple hiking along the west side of the mountain, a good-natured mountain biker who seemed to be having a lot of fun on his ride.
Ocotillo fully leafed out

Back into the foothills on a thoroughly hot morning

Summer green--pretty verdant for the Chihuahuan Desert

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It's nice that the desert is starting to really get green.

Nest Building

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