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Friday, June 12, 2015

On the Rim Trail Section 4

Purple Chicory in our yard
Dr. K, Becca and I got an early start on the Rim Trail #105, Section 4 this morning, and it was quite chilly high in the Sacramento Mountains:  59 F with a constant wind.  We did a moderately-long hike without running into a single other person; we kicked up a few deer who got out of Dodge pretty quickly as we meandered along.  We would have trekked much further had we not had yard work waiting for us back at the cabin. 
Rocky Mountain Iris along the Rim Trail

After a steep descent, the second leg

Becca's eager to keep going

Vista of the Tularosa Basin from on high

Which way do we go?

Ancient trail marker

In the distance, White Sands National Monument

Where does the flower leave off and the butterflies begin?

Look out!  Incoming

Three pale blue butterflies on a purple flower

Flaps down

Heading back through the Lincoln National Forest

View from the Rim Trail in the Sacramento Mountains

Well ahead of the pack

Castor and Pollux

White flowers in bloom all over the mountain

Closeup of the blossoms

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Amazing photos of the butterflies on the flowers. You've outdone yourself, Packrat.

Nest Building

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