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Sunday, September 3, 2017

Never on a Sunday

Still green Barrel Cactus fruit
Generally we don't hike on the Sunset side of Tortugas Mountain on Sundays, but because Dr. K couldn't accompany Becca and me this morning we made an exception.  It was far less crowded than I thought it would be, and far quieter.  Because the temperature was in the low 60s I decided the Beckster and I could extend the hike by a few miles.  At one point we entered the same territory where we saw the Great Horned Owl yesterday; I was hoping to get better images of it.  But, not surprisingly, we saw neither hide nor feather of the majestic creature.  Nonetheless, we had an excellent outing this Sunday morning.
Hearing voices in the valley below

Carpet of yellow Chinchweed

Can't get over the abundance of Chinchweed

Even more of the yellow flowers

Bouquets of Desert Zinnia

Desert Zinnia

West of Tortugas Mountain, Organ Mountains in background

Black-and-White . . .

. . . and color of the same scene

Tortugas Mountain beyond the hill

Yellowing Ocotillo leaves


At rest in an arroyo

Looking west down the same arroyo

Crossing the Cross Cut Trail

Seasonal contradiction:  yellowing Ocotillo leaves and a new red flower

Almost-ripe Barrel Cactus fruit

Closer look at the fruit

Getting ahead of the pack

Advantage of a narrow head:  protruding eyeballs to look behind yourself

Same Black-tailed Jackrabbit

A tad more interested in us

Flowers of a Stingleaf plant

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The protruding eyes of the jackrabbit are pretty amazing--I've never noticed that before.

Home Run

Sniffing heeler Dr. K, Willow and I took a hike in the forest behind our cabin this morning; it was a good aerobic workout.  Odd find on our...