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Sunday, September 10, 2017


This and the next:  two different zoom levels at the start of the hike
Dr. K, Becca and I hit the Sierra Vista Trail north early this Sunday morning.  There were already two other vehicles in the parking area, unlike last Monday (Labor Day) when there was nobody else around.  Today we ran into a man and woman hiking with a dog, two mountain bikers, and a runner--the latter on a dirt road we followed a good distance east toward the mountains.  It was a beautiful morning trek, somewhat longer than we had originally planned, but well worth the extra effort.  There were about eight vehicles in the parking lot when we got back after our hike--a lot of outdoor enthusiasts taking advantage of the gorgeous weather.
Closer up

Becca leading the way up a long trail

Blackfoot Daisies and the Organ Mountains

Heading east


Same clones


Still some flowers on select Barrel Cacti

Barrels and a grass puff ball

No comment

There's a trail through here somewhere

Green on orange

Small green grasshopper

Brilliant tall grass heads in the upper grassland

Different perspective on the grass heads

Ocotillos in the grassland

White-Lined Sphinx Caterpillar (Hummingbird Moth)

Didn't see the birds when I snapped the shot

More Blackfoot Daisies

How this for camouflage?

Blackfoot Daisy bouquets

Big Barrel Cactus in the high desert grassland

A large Sotol

The road we followed this morning

Long way from here to there

Yucca and Ocotillos

Quite a pair

Last few flowers

Outstanding views from the dirt road

This dirt road

Magnificent high desert

Deep gully of a large arroyo

Rainbow Cactus

Mountain biking in the high desert grassland

Pretty sure it's a juvenile Red-tailed Hawk

Same Red-tailed Hawk

I thought I had discovered a rare desert flower (center)

It was actually a Hare Ear in the sunlight

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the photo of the Blackfoot daisies with the Organs in the background.

Home Run

Sniffing heeler Dr. K, Willow and I took a hike in the forest behind our cabin this morning; it was a good aerobic workout.  Odd find on our...