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Friday, February 16, 2018

An Even Rainier Day

Becca still drying off
The weather app said Becca and I would be able to get in a hike before the rain started at 10 a.m. (OK, it didn't say that specifically, but you get the idea), though I suspected otherwise.  I was right.  As soon as we exited the car at the trailhead west of Tortugas Mountain it started raining.  I had to put the rain cover on my camera case immediately.  The rain only came down harder during our abbreviated trek so I wasn't able to get any photos.  What we did get was soaked and a little bit of exercise this morning.
She got pretty wet during our hike this morning

But she's towel-dry and warm now

Golden Barrel Cactus loving the rain

The Desert Willows appreciate the moisture, too

Looking across the arroyo that runs beside our house

Rainwater running off our flat roof canale

Not a leaky garden hose . . .

. . . but rather the limb of a Cholla dripping with rainwater

Keeping out of the rain here

White-winged Dove (with a goiter?) on a line outside our place

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That photo of the desert willow branches looks like a Jackson Pollock painting.

Wednesday's Walkabout

Tortugas and the Organs It wasn't as cold as it was yesterday morning, but it felt pretty chilly when Dr. K, Willow and I did the daily ...