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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Back to Tortugas

Early start west of the mountain
Becca and I took a slightly abbreviated hike west of Tortugas Mountain this morning, but our time out there was extended by encountering interesting people:  Jimmy, Joe, JC and Olivia.  After that it was stretched a bit longer by my decision to plant a section of the Night Blooming Cereus that had broken off from the main plant.  While I was at it two women hikers came over to see what I was doing.  I explained my actions while describing the blooming habits of the Cereus (only flowering one night a year), and both women were fascinated by the information.  Since I had to shower after returning home before going shopping at Target and Albertsons my whole day was thrown slightly off schedule.  I didn't eat lunch until 1:00 p.m.  And everybody knows I eat lunch at 11:30.
Becca scouting the territory

Out near the road that leads to the mountaintop

First look at a Cactus Wren in a yucca

Usually pretty flighty this Wren stayed put for a long spell

Quite a handsome individual

Looking this way and that

It could only hang around for so long

Becca at the crest of the high foothills trail

Ocotillos and sand

Nice vista west of Tortugas

B&W vista

From here to the Franklin Mountains (El Paso, Texas) 40 miles

Interesting cloud formation

Funky Soaptree Yuccas

Mormon Tea budding out

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Interesting that the Mormon Tea is already getting its buds. I guess that's a result of our warm winter weather. Nice photos of the cactus wren, Packrat.

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