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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Sleepwalking Through a Trek

Perusing the surroundings
I slept really hard last night, and, as a result, I felt as if I was sleepwalking through three-fourths of our morning hike.  Becca was fully engaged in the outing, but I was puzzling to myself:  why is it I often feel better when I don't sleep hard?  I have no answers, but it's no fun trying to wake up when you've actually been out of bed for several hours--especially if you're hiking through the land of thorny dangers.  When we were nearly done with our trek I stopped to put some water on the Night Blooming Cereus I replanted yesterday.  I sure hope the plant can take hold.
The way ahead

Dove on a yucca

Trail to the sky

White-winged Dove on a Torrey Yucca

Huge Torrey Yucca on the side of the mountain

Picacho Peak

The Doña Anas

What a sky!

Powder- or Robin-Egg blue?

This . . .

. . . or this?

Gang of yuccas

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like the black-and-white photo of the clouds and the desert floor--looks like a moonscape.

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