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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sierra Vista Trail South

This and the next three:  this morning's moon
Dr. K, Becca and I got an early start this morning, opting to drive out through Talavera along Soledad Canyon Road to the upper Sierra Vista Trail parking area.  We chose the trail that heads south, and during our two-hour trek we only ran into one other outdoor enthusiast, a mountain biker who was just starting off as we were finishing up.  The weather was beautiful:  mid-50s to low-60s with a light breeze.  We only started to feel slightly warm when we were nearly back to the Jeep.  Wonderful way to spend a Sunday morning.

In the high foothills of the Organ Mountains

The land actually slopes this much

The rugged Organs

Dr. K and Becca on the trail

Distant look into the canyon

Soledad Rocks and the Organ Mountains

Heading south toward Bishop Cap

Lay of the land

High-elevation arroyo

Long way to Bishop Cap

Crissal Thrasher (Toxostoma crissale)

Crissal Thrasher

Becca and Dr. K on the trail

Look back

Ah, Wilderness!

Happiest of hikers

Trail ahead

Trail behind (several miles out)

Folds in the mountain


Heading back

Double-take stick

The rugged Organ Mountains

Sotols and an Ocotillo

One more

Becca napping in the patio enclosure after a long hike

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

That long curvy stick on the ground looked a lot like a snake at first. It gave me a real burst of adrenaline.

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