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Sunday, February 25, 2018

Sierra Vista Norte, Soledad Rocks Trailhead

Soledad Rocks
Becca and I headed to the Sierra Vista Trail Norte this morning, the section whose trailhead starts beside the Soledad Rocks.  I wanted to cross over to the rocks to take some closeup photos, but just as we were approaching the trail leading to the outcrops a red Jeep Cherokee pulled in.  I decided that we'd go there after our hike down to Black Mountain if the red Cherokee was gone, but  six vehicles were parked in the same area when we came back, and a group of people were climbing the rocks.  We'll do it another time.  Despite the crowd we encountered only one other person out on the trail, a runner headed north--not bad for a Sunday trek in the mountains.
Yuccas on a mountainside

Becca sees something

Soledad Rocks, Organ Mountains behind

More of the Soledad Rocks

Sotols alongside the trail


A bit of offroading near the Soledad Rocks

Sky through rocks

Becca auditioning for a movie role

Heading north on the trail

The view north
Might be a nice place to live

Village of Talavera from the Sierra Vista Trail

Lots of ups and downs on this trail

Long view of the Organs

Closer view of the Organ Mountains

Artsy tree shot

Through the grass

High grass

Sotols on a rock outcrop

Another Sotol

Becca in the arroyo beside Black Mountain
I believe these are Chinaberry trees

Down the arroyo

Some air traffic

Looking back at the Organs

This perspective looks more pastel-like

Rock and trees

Rock and trees 2

Rainbow Hedgehog Cactus

Bird tree

Sparrows on an Ocotillo

Different kinds of aviators

Steep climb here

Tres amigos

People climbing on Soledad Rocks

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Packrat, I wish I could have been there with you and Becca. I'm glad you had such a nice hike and took so many good photos.

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