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Sunday, November 18, 2018

Bar Canyon Trail OMDPNM

Old windmill near the trailhead
Dr. K, Becca and I got started on a Soledad Canyon hike at 8:02, and we encountered a guy hiking out just as we were making a right turn onto the Bar Canyon Trail loop.  He was the only outdoor enthusiast we saw until we were headed back to the trailhead.  It was a glorious morning for trekking in the high desert, so we were not surprised to bump into other hikers; first up:  two women and two men.  They stopped to take cell phone photos just beyond where we waited at the side of the trail with Becca.  We then encountered a young family:  mother, father and four kids.  They seemed to be enjoying their hike, but they couldn't have been appreciating the sounds of nature because the father had music pouring out of his daypack.  I wouldn't describe the decibel level as blaring, but the sound was loud enough to hear from a distance.  I always wonder the same thing whenever I bump into somebody listening to music while hiking:  why must they bring the trappings of civilization along with them?  After the family we stood at the side of the trail several times to let two groups of people (most likely just one group separated by a short distance) hiking with four dogs.  Three of the dogs were carrying saddle bag packs.  Several of the canines whined loudly for a chance to meet Becca, but that wasn't going to happen.  Back down near the parking lot an older woman sat at one of the picnic tables while her young female companion did a little exploring.  Just as we were driving out the two women were heading for their vehicle to leave. All things considered--despite the somewhat crowded conditions-- we had a wonderful hike in Soledad Canyon this morning.
Let's get started

Steep slope/distant mountains

Looking back at the past

Rock formations on the mountainside

The narrow loop trail starts here

Heading in

Becca among the trees

Scouting the trail ahead

Three-leaf Sumac

Getting closer to the mountains

The rugged Organs

Distant lone tree

Closer look at the lone tree reveals a dead companion

Becca and the grass alongside the trail

Heading toward the Chimney

Sotol and the Chimney

Lots of images in the rugged mountains

Rock formations and mountains in Soledad Canyon

Taking a break at the side of the Bar Canyon Trail

This and the next three:  ever closer look at the formations


Same junipers

Heading back

Rainbow Hedgehog Cactus

Look at that sky

An idea of how rugged the mountains are

Closer look

Desert mountain arroyo

Last look at Baldy

Heading west down the Bar Canyon Trail

A look back at the Chimney

Who's that in the tree?

Starting to look more familiar

Meep meep.  It's a Roadunner

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

These are beautiful photos, Packrat. I especially like the one captioned Looking Back at the Past, with the old windmill.

Wind Again

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