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Friday, November 23, 2018

Friday on the Bridal Veil

Taken while on Becca's early morning constitutional
We got a fairly early start on the Bridal Veil Falls Trail this morning, and even though there was one vehicle in the parking lot when we started off we saw nobody on the entire 90-minute trek; just the way we like it.  It was slightly cold when we began our hike, but the sun shone brightly and the chilly wind blew only sporadically, so we were comfortable with our apparel (though we never felt the need to remove any items of clothing).  Becca was disappointed at not seeing her buddies during her morning constitutional, but they showed up as soon as we got home after our trek.  Then Becca, Champ and Cowboy all had a good romp, the latter two getting plenty of attention from their two human neighbors--Dr. K and me.
Haynes Canyon just after sunrise

Next to the pumphouse looking for her buddies (they didn't show)

Pumphouse shadow

Townsend's Solitaire on a wire

Townsend's Solitaire on a twig

Same Townsend's Solitaire

Can't get enough of this view of White Sands

Heading down the Bridal Veil Falls Trail

Straight shot down


Becca and Dr. K

Becca and me (serious)

Becca and me (trying out a smile)

Further down the trail

The slightest difference in perspective

Fall color

More fall color

Perhaps why it's called "High Rolls"
Getting close to the grotto

Inspecting the hillside

Apparently I can't post enough photos of Becca

Told you

Left of center

A better view of the Red-tailed Hawk

Gorge carved by the creek

Slightly different angle

We decided not to go that far today

Almost to the turn-around point

Sacramento Mountains

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas (Desert Southwest style)

More Christmas trees

More leaves

What is it with me and leaves today?

Don't know what this is

Becca crossing the footbridge on paws

Made me do a double-take (longest horse necks I've ever seen)

Had to stop on a narrow road to try to photograph what we saw

Yep--two camels at 7,000 feet

Let's play the "guess the breed from the butt" game

Becca and Champ

Becca and Champ hurrying down our road

Champ and Cowboy loving their treatment from Dr. K

A happy trio

Cowboy is a real looker

A happy Cowboy

Champ and me

Becca heading up our driveway

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

We saw a lot of critters this morning--birds, dogs, and (hard to believe) camels.

Wind Again

Blooming Faxon Yucca from distance Even though high winds have made a return to our area it didn't feel all that cold during our morning...