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Saturday, May 4, 2019

East Side of Tortugas

One half-mile in, looking back
Becca and I headed out early for the far side of Tortugas Mountain where we planned on doing our regular Saturday morning hike.  There was one vehicle in the parking lot when we got to the Monte Vista area and one just pulling in.  We saw no one on the outbound leg of the trek, though, and only one person while we were heading back.  She was a pleasant young woman who told Becca how beautiful she is, which, of course, is not news to my hiking companion.

The northern Chihuahuan Desert was, as always, exceedingly gorgeous, though I understand it's not everybody's cup of tea.  The desert has an austere beauty that goes unnoticed by those who are swayed only by nature's more breathtaking characteristics.
Strawberry Hedgehog

Strawberry Hedgehog Cacti are less abundant on the east side of Tortugas

Boulder and Prickly Pears

From the southeast

Distant Prickly Pear blossom

A pause while leading the way

Two similar vistas, one in color . . .

. . . the other in B&W

Yucca and Ocotillo

Long view to the Organs

Becca's "I'll-seriously-kill-you-fly" look

Somewhat shady respite

Soul of yucca #1

Soul of yucca #2

Yucca fruit

Three views of the same Ocotillo



Prickly Pear flower

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like both "soul of yucca' photos.

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