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Monday, May 20, 2019

Prep Day

Sky at start
Becca and I got an early start this morning for two reasons:  to beat the high winds slated to start later in the morning and to get home and shower before shopping.  (Well, to be clear, I was the one doing the showering and shopping.)  I had to bump up my normal grocery shopping day to Monday this week.

We were able to get in a moderately long hike before the winds got started, but by the time I got out of Whitey the CR-V in the Target parking lot the dust was beginning to fill the air.  Gust are expected to reach 50 mph by afternoon, so that should ensure a good amount of blowing sand to obscure any views of the mountains.
Arroyo filled with Soaptree Yuccas

Loggerhead Shrike

White-winged Doves sharing a Soaptree Yucca

A closer look at those two

Two views of the same Soaptrees


Six flower heads, I believe

Count them

Across the line worker program grounds

Sky was beautiful this morning

Slighter closer look at the same shot

Cow Tongue Prickly Pear Cactus

Checking her surroundings

Soaptrees in the desert

Red circle around Br'er Rabbit

Telephoto look at him

A road runs through it

Cow Tongue Prickly Pear

Pastel sky

In this first scene of two I cropped out the obtrusive Ocotillo branch


If you look real hard you can see Whitey the CR-V

1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The sky was very pretty this morning, as your photos demonstrate. Now, in the afternoon, the sky is almost brown from the blowing dust.

Pretty Bird

This & next 3:  blooming yuccas Willow and I took a hike together this morning; Dr. K stayed home to get ready for our trip to the high ...