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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Second Arroyo Sunday

Prickly Pear budding
The dogs were "A" pupils on our hike up to Second Arroyo this morning; first we didn't see any other hikers or hikers with dogs; and, second, the jackrabbits they spotted were too far away to chase.  The jackrabbit they didn't see was ten feet from us as we headed north on LDR; the hare was wise enough to avoid launching itself away from us, opting instead to saunter off cautiously.

I've been hearing Scott's Orioles for about a week now, but today's first sighting was diminished by distance.  Two males perched on a bent Soaptree stalk were simply too far away for a good photo-op.

I wore hiking shorts on our outing today because I knew it would be hot, and it was; we're headed for a high of 92F today.

This and the next:  two male Scott's Orioles

A male Scott's Oriole

Frio and Willow in Second Arroyo

Tortugas Mountain from Second Arroyo

B&W X of the same image

Different perspective

Heading out of Second Arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photos of the Scott's Oriole. I'm looking forward to seeing more of them soon.

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