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Saturday, July 24, 2021

After Another Rain

Ripening Prickly Pears
We had another significant rain late afternoon/early evening yesterday.  Everything is muggy and buggy today.  Nevertheless, Willow, Frio and I did a hike in the desert, bushwhacking through numerous freshly washed arroyos north of the Tellbrook Arroyo.  We saw a couple of people exploring the desert in the distance, but encountered no one directly.

The desert is so green because of recent abundant rainfall it's hard to believe we're still in a significant drought.  But we are.  It will take many more extended periods of sufficient precipitation to break through.

After our trek we drove down to our small post office to mail a bill.  We returned home via University Avenue past NMSU to see what kind of progress construction workers are making on the bridge over I-25; everything still looks pretty much the same as it has for the past year.  Discouraging.

Long view of the green desert

This & the next:  Nipple Beehive Cactus

Several explorers bushwhacking through the desert

This & the next:  Hedgehog Cacti

Ripening fruit on a Prickly Pear Cactus

Soaptree Yuccas

This & the next:  freshly washed arroyos

Hedgehog Cactus


Frio and Willow

Desert Zinnia bouquet

Green desert

Barrel Cactus

Another freshly washed wash

Gruesome Prickly Pear

Arroyo with yucca

Probably a Torrey Yucca

Arroyo whose source is the mountains

Barrel Cactus buds

New leaves emerging from a Soaptree Yucca crown

This & the next:  with good rain grass will grow in the desert

Happy Ocotillos


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

The desert looks so lovely after the rain. I really like your photo of the buds on the Barrel cactus.

Post-Earthquake Hike

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