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Friday, July 23, 2021

Friday Trek to 2nd Arroyo

Desert Spiny Lizard needs a nail clipper
Early morning hike up to Second Arroyo and back for Willow, Frio and me.  The temperature wasn't too high so we enjoyed ourselves while we were out there.

Saw a few critters while today, but no human beings.  The humans we did see were those in the construction crew along Tellbrook.  It looks like they'll be repaving the road for some time--perhaps all the way up to Sonoma Ranch Road and beyond.

At least there will be no construction tomorrow or Sunday.

This & the next:  scenes from the upper flatland

This & the next:  Willow and Frio in Second Arroyo

Soaptree Yucca and Ocotillo

Desert Zinnia

Old nest

Mr. Frio

Portal into Yucca World

This & the next:  Nipple Beehive Cactus

Small wash created by recent rains

This & the next 2:  Whitethorn Acacia

This & the next:  male Gambel's Quail


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Those are some impressive claws on that Desert Spiny Lizard.

Nest Building

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