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Monday, July 12, 2021

Humid Hike on the Grand View

The eye has it:  Spotted Towhee
Big rain for hours yesterday which completely soaked everything.  When Dr. K, Willow, Frio and I left for a hike on the Grand View Trail this morning it was 60F and extremely humid.  Whenever the sun made an appearance during our trek we felt as if we were broiling.

We encountered a small family on the trail coming back--man, woman, and two kids--and Frio barked at them several times.  I have yet to convince him not to bark at strangers.  Willow was very well behaved; in fact she was great during the entire hike.

When we returned to the cabin I got to work mowing grass and weed in the yard and along our road and driveway.  Then Dr. K helped while I removed a fallen tree that had blocked our pathway into the forest near our property.  Did a lot of work today, and I still have a little yard work to do tomorrow.

Fendler's Bladderpod

Tularosa Basin

Once a tree

White Sands National Park under humid, hazy sky

Prickly au pair

Don't know what this is

Frio and Willow at the midway ramada

This & the next:  White Sands NP

This & the next:  Hedgehog Cactus in rock

Fendler's Bladderpod again

Grand View Trail

Red Barbery (Berberis haematocarpa)


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I'm glad you included a photo of Flender's Bladderpod, one of the few flowers we saw on the hike this morning. I hope that the recent rains will increase the number of desert flowers that we see blooming.

Late Spring

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