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Saturday, July 3, 2021

Back Again

View from the upper flatland
Dr. K accompanied Willow, Frio and me on our morning trek up to Second Arroyo and back; it was the first time since tearing her meniscus that she ventured out on this particular hike.  The upside of her decision to come along:  getting out into the desert was a delight.  The downside:  a few hours after the trek her knee began hurting again.

We'll have to see exactly how much progress she's made with her rehabilitation, having been diligent about taking daily exercise walks.  The difference between her walks and our hikes is topographic; she exercises on a flat track.  Our trek has some steep ups and downs.

The Heelers were pretty well behaved this morning even though Frio barked a few too many times at Pamela and Terry who stopped to chat; it was their first meeting with Dr. K.

Distant greenery: forest of Ocotillos given life by recent rains

Closer look at the Ocotillo forest

This & the next 2:  leafed-out Ocotillos

Heelers with Dr. K and her torn meniscus

This & the next 3:  Frio and Willow

Soaptree in Second Arroyo

Second Arroyo

Organ Mountains from Tellbrook Arroyo

The rest:  happy Ocotillos


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I really like that last photo of the leafed-out Ocotillo. It sure was nice to be out with you all this morning.

Nest Building

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