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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Big Rain Overnight

Puddle on the upper flatland road
At about 2:30 a.m. today thunder began rumbling, Willow started barking, and the sky let loose with a torrent of rain.  I got up, turned off the evaporative cooler, shut the patio enclosure doors and went back to bed.  The rain lasted quite a while, but I'm not sure for how long because I fell asleep.

When the Heelers and I hit the trail this morning the humidity was almost unbearable.  Several times during our trek up to First Arroyo I wondered if we really wanted to go that far.  We did.

Saw Pamela and Terry hiking up the road to the southernmost cross road, and we exchanged greetings from a distance.  They were the only outdoor enthusiasts we spotted on this muggy June day.

Ocotillo leaves



Ocotillos and Soaptree Yucca

This & the next 4:  Soaptree Yucca in bloom


Willow and Frio in First Arroyo



First Arroyo

This & the next 2:  Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Clouds over Tortugas and the Organ Mountains


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I especially like that last photo of the jackrabbit. Those ears are amazing.

Late Spring

Dinosaur spine Dr. K, Willow and I did our regular hike on a warm morning that has turned out to be another hot, springlike day. White-winge...