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Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Another Morning With Bad Air

A look at how bad the air was this morning
For the second morning in a row the air was noticeably bad; the haze could come from western wildfires.

Willow, Frio and I hiked up to First Arroyo, stopped in for a drink and a brief respite, and then headed back to the upper flatland.  The heat and humidity were made bearable by the constant breeze, which often gusted into a wind.

The road construction on Tellbrook may be finished for a while; crews have painted lines in the road.  That makes the coming and going commutes far more pleasant.

Prickly Pear pears have been through a war together

Barrel Cactus buds

Natural landscaping

I guess this could be Cowpen Daisy


Frio and Willow

Had to avoid stepping on these caterpillars

White-lined Sphinx Moth Larva (yellow)

White-lined Sphinx Moth larva (green)


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Despite the bad air the desert still looks so green and pretty. I really like the photo of the Barrel cactus flowers.

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