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Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Hiking High Rolls

Dead tree along the Grand View Trail
It was a pleasant morning trek for Dr. K, Willow, Frio and me on the Grand View Trail.  Most of the time it didn't feel too hot, but when the sun beat down and stirred the humidity up it got fairly unbearable.  We held up, though, doing the entire trail and back to the waiting CR-V.

We did see a few other people out there, a woman and her two dogs--just leaving as we arrived--and a lone woman hiker who was taking photographs.  Dr. K's bum knee seemed to hold up OK; we'll see how it feels tomorrow.

When we returned to the cabin I got started on Round One of the necessary yard work--mowing grass and weeds--and I'll finish up tomorrow.

Indian Paintbrush


Quite green at 7,000 feet, too

At the horizon:  White Sands National Park

This & the next:  Nodding Onion

This & the next:  Globemallow

Tree of life

Grand View Trail

Quite a display

This & the next:  Hairy Five Eyes (Chamaesaracha sordida)

Mock Vervain


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

It was so nice to see different types of flowers blooming on the trail. I especially like your photo of the Globemallow flowers.

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