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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

High Country Now

This & the next:  Organ Mountains
Heelers and I did a Second Arroyo hike this morning before returning home to get ready for a trip to the high country, where we are now.

When we got here we were greeted by Cowboy and Scamp.  Cowboy was hardly recognizable because he'd been sheared like a sheep; the new haircut looked good on him, though.

We let Frio and Willow out of the CR-V to greet the neighbors, and all got along fine.

Barrel Cactus sans butterfly

Barrel Cactus con butterfly

Heelers in Second Arroyo

Acacia along LDR-A


Clouds building over the Organ Mountains

This & the next:  inside Tellbrook Arroyo


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I think that Barrel Cactus con Butterfly is one of your best photos ever.

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