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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Beautiful Trek

View from LDR
Willow, Frio and I had a wonderful hike this morning even though, at first, it seemed as if our outing might be rained out like yesterday's was.  We went up LDR to Second Arroyo, bopped in there for a brief respite, and then struck north on the arroyo that runs parallel to the dirt road.

We went east along the southernmost dirt road until we hit the intersection with a small trail Becca and I used to hike frequently.  The three of us headed southwest along that narrow trail until we dropped down off the ridge and came to LDR again.

We did see other outdoor enthusiasts today:  a man with two small children whose SUV was parked just south of the Tellbrook Arroyo.  I said hello to the guy as we passed; they were gone by the time we came back from a very long exploration.

This & the next: tiny toads were hopping around everywhere

Frio and Willow in Second Arroyo

This & the next:  yesterday's rain ran hard in arroyos

This & the next:  late-blooming Prickly Pear flower

Whitethorn Acacia

This & the next: even at distance you can ID this raptor

Tortugas Mountain

What?  I think it's a female Bullock's Oriole

One of the few Soaptrees I've seen bloom this season

Very narrow arroyo

Same Soaptree Yucca as above

A visitor to the Soaptree Yucca

Wild clouds

This & the next:  double Barrel Cactus and a Hedgehog

Small Barrel Cactus

Organ Mountains gap

This & the next:  Barrel Cacti

Desert homes

Can't believe how green our desert is


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful photos, Packrat. I love the two photos of the hummingbird on the Soaptree Yucca.

Behind the Cabin

Early early morning in the Sacramentos Strenuous hike behind the cabin this morning.  We were going to head for even higher ground to do a s...