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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Bad Air Again

Air was really bad this morning
Willow, Frio and I set off fairly early for a hike up to Second Arroyo and back this morning.  Saw no humans, but we did spot many desert denizens:  jackrabbits, birds and especially White-lined Sphinx Moth larvae (caterpillars) who were everywhere.  We literally had to dodge them by zig-zagging our way along the dirt roads all the way back into the upper flatland.

No road construction on Tellbrook again this morning, but workers did seem to be tearing up a section of Noche Bella Loop.  When I saw them yesterday they appeared to be trenching alongside the road, as if they might be installing fiber optic cable, but today the entire road surface looked to be dirt.

No idea what this weed is

Bouquets on the diagonal

Desert Zinnia

Frio and Willow

Second Arroyo in B&W

We were dodging White-lined Sphinx Moth larvae today

This & the next:  same Desert Zinnia

Find the quail


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful close-up of the Desert Zinnia flowers. I'm glad the road construction isn't as annoying as it has been for you, Packrat.

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