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Monday, August 2, 2021

Bushwhacking for Beauty

Heading down LDR-A
After Willow, Frio and I crossed the Tellbrook Arroyo and began hiking up the long dirt road we turned east and bushwhacked through the desert.  I decided to do that because Willow was locked onto a scent, and I wanted to break her tracking behavior.  Turns out it was a good move because the area we explored was incredibly beautiful.

Just a few days ago I noticed a few White-lined Sphinx Moth larvae, and today they were everywhere, including crawling across the desert floor.  I even saw them crossing Tellbrook Road, some getting crushed by cars in the process.

After exploring for quite a while we dropped down from the ridge south of First Arroyo, stopped in the arroyo for a drink and brief respite, and then we headed back to the upper flatland and our waiting CR-V.  The last leg of the hike was hot, humid and hard.

White-lined Sphinx Moth larvae

This & the next:  Barrel Cactus buds

Chinchweed makes the desert smell like lemon zest

Prickly Pear and Desert Zinnia bouquet

This & the next:  same small arroyo

Desert Zinnia

Tortugas and the Organ Mountains


Tortugas and the Organs

This & the next:  Yucca and Barrel Cactus

Barrel Cactus buds

Two Barrel Cacti, one a double

Barrel Cactus buds

Double Barrel Cactus

Tall Ocotillos

Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Steep arroyo

This & the next 2:  Barrel Cactus flowers and buds

Peekaboo bee

Willow and Frio

Kallstroemia parviflora

White-lined Sphinx Moth larva

Clouds over the Organs

Audition for the Kiss tribute band


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

So many beautiful photos today. I love that one of the jackrabbit. I also really like the ones of the Barrel cactus flowers--such a pretty orange-red color.

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