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Friday, October 8, 2021

Baked Not Broiled

First 2:  heading down LDR-A
It was cool at the start of our morning hike, but quite toasty by the end.  I hadn't intended to do a long trek today; however, by the time we reached the Tellbrook Arroyo I decided to go a bit further than usual.

We spent a long time exploring a wide arroyo north of the Tellbrook before bushwhacking up to the southernmost dirt road.  Then we hiked west to the intersection with LDR, took the south fork and headed back into the upper flatland and our waiting CR-V.

Golden Crownbeard

Wide arroyo

Torrey Yucca

Heelers in First Arroyo

First Arroyo

This & next 2:  Organ Mountains


Old Torrey Yucca and the Organ Mountains


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Nice photo of the yellow Chinchweed. I'm glad that at least some of it is still blooming.

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