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Saturday, July 22, 2023

Big Break

Tornado-like cloud
Clouds and a strong, constant wind provided relief from the sweltering mornings we've experienced of late, and the conditions made for a good hike.  We did our usual route, not abbreviating it at all.

The shade was so nice even the Heelers didn't need to lie down in yucca shadows for a respite from the heat.  They seemed quite content to mosey along like good little dogies do.

When we got home I had to work on the waterhole to restore it to workable conditions because some animals (I'm guessing Javelinas) knocked everything out of place.  I wish they could just drink without being destructive.  Afterwards I raked some mesquite beans in the backyard, shoveled them into the wheelbarrow and dumped them alongside the driveway as mulch for some plants there.

This & next:  looking southwest


This & next 2:  angry-looking clouds

This & next:  way up in Left Branch Arroyo

Some Ocotillo leaves are yellowing

Ocotillos in the cross over trail

Willow and Frio

Organ Mountains

Tortugas and the Organs


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

Beautiful images of the tornado-like cloud that was overhead this morning.

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