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Friday, July 14, 2023

Breeze and High Humidity

Roadrunner on our fence
The rain we had yesterday evening left the air saturated with moisture; if it wasn't for a consistent breeze our hike this morning would have been hell.  It was pretty bad, nevertheless.

We did our usual trek, stopping at times for shade and water.  We had to be extra cautious about how long we lingered because ants were abundant after yesterday's rain.

As always in these hot days in the ongoing heatwave we were happy to get back to the CR-V and its air conditioning.

This & next:  Common Checkered Whiptail

Desert alligator/crocodile?

Scott's Oriole

Can't they see how miserable we are?

Seinfeld eye-roll

Bird or yucca fruit?

Yucca fruit

This & next 2:  Organ Mountains

A female Rufous Hummingbird sampling Red Yucca nectar

Red Yucca fruit


1 comment:

Dr. K said...

I love that photo of the Rufus Hummingbird on the Red Yucca branch.

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